Edinburgh Fringe Guide 2023
The Shows I Think Deserve a Combination of Your Time/Attention/$$$ at the Edinburgh Fringe
With the Edinburgh Fringe set to kick off in just a few weeks, it’s officially time to break out one of my favorite annual traditions. As far as yearly rituals go, it ranks right up there with filling out a March Madness bracket, judging everyone else’s Spotify Wrapped, and kicking the tires on this mailing list again1.
That’s right! The time has come to scour the Festival’s website, comb through reviews on websites like Chortle, The Scotsman, and The Guardian, and research the winners/nominees for all the major awards at the most recent Adelaide Fringe, Brighton Fringe, and Melbourne International Comedy Festivals, all in a massive effort to determine which shows to see while I’m there for the month of August.2
Longtime readers likely remember the 2022 version of this list, and early adopters may recall the 2018 and 2019 Google Doc iterations.
Last year, my #1 “Must-See Solo Show” (Sam Campbell: Comedy Show) ended up winning the Best Comedy award, so I like to think I sort of know what I’m talking about here. It’s partly stock-picking, partly a crapshoot, and a lot of seeing a show on a whim because you overheard someone raving about it in the adjacent urinal stall.
Guidelines / Best Practices:
This list is just a guide, not an itinerary. Don’t feel like you have to see all (or any) of these shows. Ultimately everything comes down to personal taste.
Listen for what shows have buzz. Word-of-mouth will forever be the best form of advertising because it comes from someone with no vested interest.
In 2022, 6 of the 10 shows nominated for Best Comedy came from Monkey Barrel venues, including the show that won it all (Sam Campbell – Monkey Barrel 4).
Three of the 7 Best Newcomer nominees came from Monkey Barrel venues, including the show that won the award (Lara Ricote – The Hive).
Besides Monkey Barrel, the “Big 4” (Gilded Balloon, Assembly, Underbelly, Pleasance) venue hubs tend to host good shows that get nominated/win awards.
In 2022, three Best Newcomer Nominees were in the Pleasance Courtyard.
I like to reward good ad copy and poster design, so I’ll also share some stand-out blurbs and show titles. I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but the Advertising major in me still reckons these elements are moderately predictive of a show’s attention to detail, aesthetic, and quality.
For instance, which of the following two shows are you more likely to see, if they’re on at the same venue at roughly the same time?
Show A: a show called “Charicature” with a blurb that starts “Award winning comedian [REDACTED] returns to the Fringe with his unique blend of stand-up, sketch and character comedy…”, or
Show B: a show called “Banglord” with a description that solely says, “u up? xx”. I know which one I’m picking.
It is often a better use of one’s time to see a one-star show than a three-star show.
Timeslots are semi-indicative of the show’s quality / likelihood of selling out.
I’d also just generally rather see a comedy show at 8:15 PM than noon.
Don’t be afraid to let a charming uni student talk you into seeing the show they’re flyering for, instead of whatever you had planned in your agenda.
So without further ado, here is my Annual List of Shows I Think Deserve a Combination of Your Time/Attention/$$$ at the Edinburgh Fringe™.
Must-See Shows (Full-Length Run)
Daniel Kitson: First Thing (Work in Progress by Daniel Kitson)
Probably the best comedian at the festival this year. Definitely my favorite storyteller from a structural standpoint. For example, here is the show’s blurb:
A few days ago I saw a little boy slapping a wall. He wasn't angry. There was no aggression in it. It felt more like he was enjoying the existence of the wall. Finding comfort in its solidity. Giving it a slap. After a minute his mum called and he went to leave. Then he stopped, turned back, gave it one more slap and ran off. I reckon he gets it. Anyway, this show won't be about any of that but it will definitely be over by noon.
His show is a WIP so I can’t say much about it other than it’s on every day at 10:30 AM (!), and that it will be deconstructive, pensive, and deeply funny.
Gillian Cosgriff: Actually Good
A musical comedy show that just won Most Outstanding Show at the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival? Count me in.
Kieran Hodgson: Big in Scotland
A three-time nominee for the Comedy Award (2015, 2016, 2018)
(Once you win the Edinburgh Comedy award, you cannot win it again.)
If the author of this mailing list were an oddsmaker at FringeDuel, he would place this show as the slight favorite to win the award at about +350.
Mat Ewins: Mr TikTok
Show Blurb:
With nearly 1,000 TikTok followers (at the time of going to print), be sure to book early to catch ‘the king of online’ as he surfs cyberspace and reveals the World Wide Web's silliest internet videos”
Category: (ventriloquism, flamenco)
Last year’s show, Danger Money, was categorized under “light opera, acrobatics” for the record.
He tends to do high-concept, multimedia laugh-a-minute shows that blow you away with how good he is at structure, pace, coding interactive games, and the sheer volume of quality packed into a single hour.
Link to his TikTok with 1080 followers (make that 1081!)
Mythos: Ragnarok
Show Blurb: In this hard-hitting, dark comic adaption of Norse mythology Mythos utilises a cast of actors who specialise in professional wrestling to create some of the most intense and thrilling fight scenes ever seen in theatre.
All my friends raved about this show in 2022, thrilled I finally get to see it.
Must-See Shows with Limited Runs
A Young Man Dressed as a Gorilla Dressed as an Old Man Sits Rocking in a Rocking Chair for 56 Minutes and Then Leaves... (15 Aug only, 18:45)
One night only. This is the show I think of when I think of the Fringe.
Sam Campbell. Bulletproof Ten (16th Aug only)
Show Blurb: Despite the allegations...THE CHAMP IS BACK!!!
The show will only go for ten minutes BUT you will remember it for longer.
Comedians Beer Mat Flipping Super Bowl (15 Aug only, 23:30)
Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and the Pool (22-27 Aug)
Spencer Jones: Making Friends (16-27 Aug)
Stewart Lee: Basic Lee (11-20 Aug)
Show Blurb: One man, one microphone, and one microphone in the wings in case the one on stage breaks.
Viggo Venn: British Comedian (16-27 Aug)
Show Blurb: Norwegian clown Viggo Venn has moved to London to follow his life-long dream of becoming a British Comedian. 'Viggo is Norwegian' (EdFestMag.com). 'Viggo is Norwegian' (Scotsman). 'Viggo is a… Norwegian' (BroadwayBaby.com).
Viggo is also doing a WIP to start the festival, Clown In Progress (3-7 Aug)
2022 Edinburgh Fringe Award Winner & Nominees:
Unfortunately, none of the 2022 Comedy award nominees are back with a new hour. Nominees Larry Dean and Josh Pugh are back with Work in Progress shows, and Jordan Gray is returning with a 2-night run of her 2022 show Is It A Bird? (23-24 Aug).
Best Newcomer winner Lara Ricote is back with a WIP, and Best Newcomer nominees Vittorio Angelone, Emmanuel Sonubi, and Josh Jones are all back with new hours.
2023 Most Outstanding Show-Nominated Shows from MICF
Winner: Gillian Cosgriff: Actually, Good
Tom Ballard: It Is I
Hannah Camilleri: Lollybag
Laura Davis: Well Don't Just Stand There Dancing
Rosie Jones: Triple Threat (11-12 Aug only)
Jordan Gray: Is It A Bird? (23-24 Aug only)
Leo Reich: Literally Who Cares?! (24 Aug only)
Cabaret Impedimenta (17-20 Aug only)
Mr. Chonker Presents: Piggy Time (17-19 Aug only)
Stamptown Comedy Night (Aug 5, 10-12, 17-29, 24-26)
Consistently the best curation of talent across a wide variety of genres (comedy, music, cabaret, dance, burlesque, magic, music)
Shows like Stamptown, Late’n’Live, and ACMS are great because you can maximize the number of acts you see. Also, when someone only gets 5-10 minutes of stage time, it usually means they’re doing their absolute best material, or are working on something brand new to test out – both of which are a delight to watch. 1-2 acts might miss the mark, but 2-3 will become people whose full shows you end up seeing.
For the record, ACMS also has their own set of recommendations that are probably more spot-on and comprehensive than some yankee’s.
The Stamptown Clownematic Universe
Annabel Marlow: is this okay?
Courtney Pauroso: Vanessa 5000
Drew Michael: Drew’s Adventures
Ike Ufomadu: Amusements
Josh Glanc: Collections 2023
Marc Silcox: Women Only3
Martin Urbano: Apology Comeback Tour
Moses Storm: Perfect Cult
Michelle Brasier: Reform
John Norris: Mr. Chonkers (14-16 Aug only)
Zach Zucker: Spectacular Industry Showcase (22-26 Aug only)
People I Just Fucking love:
Alexis Dubus: 3-Star Show
Catherine Cohen: Come For Me (14-21, 24-27 Aug)
Daniel Sloss: CAN’T
Julia Masli: ha ha ha ha ha ha (4-15 Aug)
Show Blurb: hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hihihi hahahahahahahaha hoho hahahhahahaha hehe hahahahahahahahahaha.
'Ha' (Guardian).Julia is also doing a limited run of her 2022 Fringe hit CHOOSH! (22-27 Aug)
Abandoman: Future Fest
Irish freestyle rapper who improvises his whole show. If you like Harry Mack, Marc Rebillet, and/or Freestyle Love Supreme, this show is for you.
Shows I’m taking a punt on:
Adam Flood: Remoulded (directed by Jonny Woolley)
Bill O'Neill: The Amazing Banana Brothers (directed by Natalie Palamides)
Bill's 44th (puppetry/comedy)
Dan Lees: The Vinyl Countdown
Dan Rath: All Quiet Carriage Along the Inner Western Line
Show Blurb: If you do meal prep and watch Ted Lasso you're typical. Neuro-f*king-typical. This is for folks who: get so bored they develop schizophrenia for entertainment; drop acid while listening to the Jurassic Park soundtrack pretending frilled-neck lizards are dinosaurs; sprint in the park while listening to the Dunkirk soundtrack pretending they're under artillery fire; would rather smoke herbal cowardice than drink liquid courage; headbutt payphones just for the cardio. 'Hilarious' **** (Scotsman).
Elf and Duffy: Heist
Show Blurb: A hysterically funny physical show conducted in British Sign Language with some very violent live sound foley. Duffy and Elf are friends. Duffy signs, Elf doesn’t. Elf speaks, Duffy doesn’t. Let’s see how this works out… This is a comedy show. This is a bank heist. This is a love story.
In The Sh*t (3-15 Aug)
A musical comedy show that just won Best Comedy at Brighton Fringe in June? Count me in.
Johnny White Really-Really: Catland
Show Blurb: Once upon a time I was the best blurb writer in the business – really, I was a wonder! But as time weighed down on me and all my afternoons began to expand and contract, I started to lose my touch. At first it was just the odd phrase I couldn't manage, but soon enough I couldn't seem to come up with anything longer than a sentence or two, and certainly nothing with any great detail. Now it's all I can do to say 'come see this show,' and even that takes me half the morning.
Kathy Maniura: Objectified
Solely off the poster design alone:
A freestyle rap game show featuring Doc Brown (Taskmaster)? Count me in.
Shows With Great Titles:
Alexander Richmond: One Man 12 Angry Men
Chris Grace: As Scarlett Johansson
David McIver: Small Boy Trapped in a Wellness Retreat
Grace Jarvis: This Is the Last Goldfish That I Am Going to Eat for You
Niteskreen Ultimate Edinburgh Triumph 2023 This Time More Than Any Other Time This Time
Patti Harrison: My Huge Tits Huge Because They Are Infected Not Fake!
Friends of the Mailing List:
Chris Turner: Vegas, Baby!
Chloe Radcliffe: Cheat
Darius Emadi: Hot Ticket
Garry Starr: Greece Lightning (limited run 23-27 Aug)
Jeromaia Detto: MUSH
Kyle Legacy: Comedy Striptease (host)
Laugh Mob: Alcohol is Good For You
Steffen Hånes: The Master
Compelling People Doing Work In Progress Shows
Jordan Brookes, BriTANicK, Larry Dean, Lara Ricote, Sarah Keyworth, Rose Matafeo, Glenn Moore, Natalie Palamides, Sara Pascoe, Josh Pugh, Viggo Venn
…and that’s just 86 of the 3384 shows on at the festival this year. So yeah, I’m officially pumped. If you’re going to be there, please let me know4. And if you think I missed any important shows to include, reply to this email or sound off in the comments below. I’ll be sure to update this guide with additional recs once I’m there.
Happy Fringe!
Dan Tiernan: Goin Dan Tiernan Under
John Tothill
Julia Masli: ha ha ha ha ha
Good to be here, what a crowd.
And yes, I’m single.
Also doing a limited run of a musical comedy double act, “Luke McQueen and Mark Silcox: Songs With My Father”
And if I’ve forgotten your show I AM SO SORRY.